Friday, February 17, 2012

Monday, Monday

Blogs go live, with at least a birth announcement post, by class on Monday, so your primary focus over the next few days should be getting ready for your debut.

In class on Monday, we will have one more Blog Tracking presentation. We'll also talk about the upcoming Blog Roots assignment. We’ll do some show and tell and partner work on blogs.

Part of our discussion will be focused on what we might call The Anatomy of a Good Blog Post. (Google that phrase, by the way, and you'll get some helpful results if you are interested in advice from professional bloggers.) Below are links to five posts on five very different blogs. They are all high quality, effective posts. Read them closely and try to figure out what makes them good. (If you don't think they are good, well, we can have a conversation about how subjective taste is and how writers in the blogosphere have to keep that in mind.) Take some notes on each post. Try to get at what is working and why. What tips about style, technique, argument, or storytelling might you be able to use in your own blogging?
Have a great weekend of blog-building and blog-reading. See you on Monday, Monday.

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